
Who Am I?

Posted by Tyler Raciti on

Your authentic self is the real you that is beyond all of those conditioned beliefs and thinking patterns that you have accumulated throughout your life.

You don't have to be what other people want you to be. You don't have to be interesting or agreeable or entertaining. You don't have to tone yourself down, quiet your voice, or hide your feelings. You don't have to be outgoing or spontaneous or sociable. You don't have to be thin or beautiful or anyone's definition of attractive. You don't have to be anyone other than who you authentically are, and you sure as hell don't have to spend your time and energy trying to convince people that you are worth keeping around. The right people are going to recognize your worth. They are going to respect you, appreciate you, and accept you, without forcing you to compromise who you are. Life is too short, and your happiness is far too important, to make room for anyone who treats you otherwise.

You may be shocked by the number of negative thoughts that run through your mind on any given day. After so long, our reality begins to take shape based on all of these conditioned thinking patterns. Become more aware of the quality of your thinking. Allow yourself to sit quietly every morning before starting your day for just five to ten minutes.

Yes, thoughts will come and go, but just allow them to do that without getting attached to them. Just observe them. When you are finished, continue observing the mind throughout your day.

We have so many unconscious beliefs that we have taken on over the years that were probably handed down to us from somebody else, and that we believed to be who we are. Becoming more aware of the quality of your thoughts, letting go of the old beliefs, and becoming more present can help in revealing your true nature. We are all so much more than those old negative thinking patterns would ever allow us to believe.

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  • So true I always try to enjoy myself

    Joan Squires on

  • Amen!

    Bemely Gomtes on

  • So bloody perfectly described and noted!!!

    Vikki Darlington on

  • Be happy, joyous and free… Your soul deserves it! One day at a time ☺

    Kathryn Lippincott on

  • That’s very true… just be urself ? being yourself will help you to find your true self ?

    Synthia Doeler on

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